The Swim Factory is committed to providing the safest environment for you and your family. With this in mind there is a COVID plan in  place which asks for everyone to follow the following rules.


  • We still recommend masks especially if you ahve a cold .
  • Do not attend our facility if unwell
  • Showers are not in use
  • Toilets will be open for use
  • Use hand basins, soap and/or sanitiser after using toilet


  • Children with colds, runny noses, sneezing or upset tummies and diarrhea must NOT attend the facility
  • Shower at home prior to your lesson if possible
  • Infants classes may have two parents attend
  • When using change tables
    • use your own towel on change mat
    • wipe down with supplied sanitiser after use
    • do not allow a child with shoes on to stand on the change mats


  • Adhere to government guidelines including limiting numbers in the venue
  • Staff have completed online Covid 19 Infection Control Certificate
  • Enter and Exit by the correct entry and exit doors
  • Provision of hand sanitiser at reception
  • Provision of a consistently clean environment
  • Regular disinfection of seats, teaching equipment and all surfaces
  • Ensure staff are in good health